Friday, March 16, 2012

Yellow- Colour Therapy Part 5 of 6

Il giallo viene associato alla parte sinistra del cervello e in genere al lato intellettuale, con effetti di stimolazione e aiuto nello studio. È considerato un colore protettivo e concreto, in aiuto a chi è troppo aperto o troppo creativo, associato alla felicità alla saggezza e alla immaginazione, generatore di buon umore, sia se si indossan...o indumenti di tale colore sia come tinteggiatura per le pareti.
Viene considerato utile per stimolare l'attenzione e l'apprendimento, acuire la mente e la concentrazione, favorire la digestione, eliminare le tossine attraverso il fegato e l'intestino. I cromoterapisti lo considerano invece da evitare in casi di delirio e isteria, gastriti con spasmo della muscolatura , stati febbrili e infiammatori o tutte le malattie in cui una sovraeccitazione dell'organismo e della psiche potrebbe essere dannosa.


The colour yellow is associated with wisdom, clarity and self- esteem.
Yellow gives us clarity of thought, it increases awareness and stimulates interest and curiosity. Yellow energy is related to the ability to perceive and understand. The yellow energy connects us to our mental self.
Personality traits associated to yellow include; Good humoured, optimistic, confident, practical and intellectual.
Yellow and the appropriate tone of yellow is a great choice for many spaces in our homes, most especially children's playrooms or bedroom, den or reading room.

Lastly, for all of you interested in Chakra, the solar Plexus Chakra is governed the yellow energy.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Blue- Colour Therapy Part 4 of 6

Ogni colore un effetto speciale:
Il blu è un colore calmante e rinfrescante. Esso ha un effetto molto tranquillizzante su persone troppo aggressive e impazienti.
Il blu è un colore che calma e modera e che fa dimenticare i problemi di tutti i giorni; per tale ragione le pareti tinteggiate di blu tranquillizzano.
La cromoterapia utilizza il blu per curare stress, nervosismo, ansia,... insonnia, irritabilità e infiammazione e lo considera dotato di antisettiche, astringenti e anestetizzanti. Il blu viene pertanto consigliato per tutti i sintomi che sviluppano calore e nei dolori: mal di gola, laringite, raucedine, febbre, spasmi, reumatismi. In particolare, il celeste è utilizzato per il sollievo agli occhi, l'indaco per la purificazione del sangue, per indurra conventrazione mentale e in casi di cataratta. Viene invece controindicato in casi di depressione o in malattie legate al rilassamento delle funzioni dell'organismo, quali bradicardia e ipotensione.
Blue is associated to Knowledge , Health and Decisiveness.
This is a mentally, relaxing colour. Blue has a pacifying effect on the nervous system and brings great relaxation. The colour Blue connects to our holistic thought and gives us wisdom and clarity enhancing communication and speech. Keeping these benefits in mind, Blue is a good choice for several spaces including a bedroom for those who have sleeping problems and a study or playroom for children who are hyper-active.
The throat Chakra is governed by the Blue energy.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Red- Colour Therapy - Part 3 of 6

Ogni colore un effetto speciale:
Questo colore viene associato alla forza, alla salute e alla vitalità e rappresenta il fuoco, la gioia, la festa, l'eccitazione sessuale, il sangue e le passioni violente. Il rosso, è in grado di accelerare il polso, aumentare la pressione arteriosa e la frequenza respiratoria. È infatti fortemente sconsigliato come tinteggiatura di pareti. Il r...osso renderebbe loquaci, aperti, premurosi, passionali.
La cromoterapia usa il rosso nelle ustioni e nelle malattie esantematiche, in quanto generatore di ischemia cutanea, mentre lo sconsiglia nei casi di tumore e per malattie come infiammazione, iperemotività, ipertensione, in quanto lo associa con la circolazione sanguigna e con lo sviluppo cellulare. Inoltre questo colore sarebbe utile nei casi di melanconia e depressione, nelle malattie da raffreddamento, nel mal di gola, nella tosse cronica e nell'asma, nel trattamento delle paralisi parziali e totali, o nella cura dell'impotenza maschile.
Red, in its most positive sense, is the colour for courage, strength and pioneering spirit. However, in the most negative aspect, it is the colour of anger, violence and brutality and, interestingly, before world war two it was noted that a lot of red was being worn.
Using colours well in the home is a way of creating a balanced environment. Red is energising and excites the emotions, and can stimulate the appetite.(Often used in restaurants). It can be used in any activity area but red needs careful choice of tone and depth and the space in which it is to be used as it can make a space look smaller and can be claustrophobic or oppressive. However, used well, red and its variations, can make a space feel warm and cosy.

RED relates to the BASE chakra situated at the base of the spine.
On the psycho-spiritual level, this chakra relates to self awareness. That is to say our awareness of ourselves as human beings and our place on earth. It is the area of survival and relates to our basic human instincts of fight or flight. Red gives us courage and strength. The colour relates to stability and security.

Friday, February 10, 2012


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Party photos of the week: Masala Momma - Thank you HUCY!

Green - Colour Therapy Part 2 of 6

Ogni colore ha un effetto speciale:

Il verde, colore fondamentale della natura, è il colore dell'armonia: simboleggia la speranza, la pace e il rinnovamento. È un colore neutro, rilassante, favorisce la riflessione e la calma.
In cromoterapia viene usato per sostenere il sistema nervoso, e aiutare il cuore con effetti calmanti e armonizzanti, in caso di mal di testa, nelle nevralgie e nelle febbri. È usato in tutte le proliferazioni anomale a livello cutaneo: verruche, nei, tumori, e come cura per la calvizie, mentre viene sconsigliato in caso di depressione o astenia.

Balance Love & Self- control
Green helps relax muscles, nerves and thoughts. It cleanses and balances our energy, to give a feeling of renewal, peace and harmony. Green connects us to unconditional love and is used for balancing our whole being.
The heart chakra is governed by the green energy.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Orange- Colour Therapy Part 1 of 6

ORANGE- Chromatherapy
Happiness, Confidence, Resourcefulness. Orange brings joy to our workday and strengthens our appetite for life. Orange is the best emotional stimulant. It connects us to our senses and helps remove inhibitions and makes us independent and social. Personality traits: Enthusiastic, Happy, social, energetic, sporty, self-assured and constructive.
The Spleen Chakra is governed by the orange energy.
Ogni colore un effetto speciale:
L'arancione ha secondo la cromoterapia un’azione liberatoria sulle funzioni fisiche e mentali e un grosso effetto di integrazione e di distribuzione dell’energia, inducendo serenità, entusiasmo, allegria, voglia di vivere, ottimismo, positivizzazione dei sentimenti, sinergia fisica e mentale.
L'arancione avrebbe una forte azione stimolante s...ulla ghiandola tiroide e un effetto antispastico verso le contratture e le crampi muscolari). Stimolerebbe il battito cardiaco senza aumentare la pressione del sangue, la capacità di espansione dei polmoni, l'appetito, e ottimizzerebbe l’attività della milza. La cromoterapia lo utilizza per i casi di apatia, depressione, pessimismo, paura, nevrosi, psicosi.

Monday, January 23, 2012

2011- Fuori Salone Milan Design Week.

Hi there!
I must say that this year I'm really lucky. I gave myself that extra day here in Milan so that I could visit the much spoken about FUORI SALON off the fairgrounds of the Salon Internazionale del Mobile. It's such an experience to walk through these wonderful neighborhoods. From art galleries featuring artists from all over the world, to architectural studios with their front doors wide open welcoming visitors to see their most exciting projects for the year. Boutique windows dressed with the most breathtaking pieces and between all of these storefronts you have pizzerias, bars, cafes and trattoria's joining in on the fun by offering free tastings just outside their doors.
Wow, viva Italia and its beauty is what I have to say. It's not just what Italian that’s great is but rather the way this city hosts the world to visit and share it's passion for creating design, beauty and everything that is good! 
Part of this Fuori Salon is a small pavilion that features Home Spa design which exhibits all design related to wellness and fitness spaces.
From the smooth touch of illuminated white alabaster sinks, to rugged wood stumps and rattan chairs for your outdoors to this surreal like setting of mosaic walls and bed on ropes that swings from the ceiling.  Imagine stepping out from your Japanese bath or Hammam and into this almost fantasy like bed where you can rest, read or simply daydream.
The need for wellness spaces is essential in our homes. It can simply be meditation rooms or even a corner to practice your yoga: a home gym that offers a sauna or Jacuzzi, not to mention a Hammam. With our rigid winters a Hammam can be beneficial to relieve pain, relax muscles and aid respiratory problems. Hammam therapy efficiently release toxins from the body and is even more powerful if combined with a massage. If you would like to know more about Hammam design and how you can incorporate one into your home please feel free to email me at
These last two images that I've shared are of a decorative wall encompassing a gorgeous painted ceramic tile inlaid with a decorative moss. Since we are now more inspired than ever to create an oasis in our homes from the inside out, how amazing would this be as a feature to your outdoor garden just to add that touch of something unique!
This all I have to share with you from this year’s 2011 Milan Fuori Salon. If you would like more info about this event follow the link below.

I look forward to sharing more great design from this fall’s Maison & Objet in Paris, 2011.  Stay tuned.
Bye for now.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

2011-The Milan Furniture Fair (Salone Internazionale del Mobile di Milano)

Hello everyone! I’m back in Milan and it’s great to be here!!! I missed the show in 2010 because I got married last April but now I’m back and can’t wait to see what’s new in the world of Design!!!

Milan is such a great city to visit over and over again. The Piazza del Duomo is magical all year round. It’s always buzzing with energy and full of people from locals on their bicycles’ to the tourists snapping photos, or those who simply “passegiano” in the Piazza or sip espresso at the divine cafe’s located under the shopping Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II.

So here I am back at the Fiera del RHO, it’s always such a great feeling knowing that the next week you will be super infused with all of the latest looks and trends for one of the most exciting industries!

I’m not too sure what it is but this year I seem to be drawn towards the children section. I guess because it’s a concept that I’d like to entertain personally in the next few years and I’m getting myself ready…who knows. This one exhibit was just simply irresistible. Although I’m more of a minimalist myself I could see the possibilities in this transitional design for a young child bedroom. The palette is soft yet exudes tradition and elegance.

From here we move forward from the once white modern bedroom shown in 2009 to a more pure, minimalist bedroom comprised of a white- grey palette. The key for great design never changes! A Monochromatic scheme is best when incorporating a fine and diverse palette of textures. Here you see linen as fabric of choice for the headboard, high thread count cotton sheets, with fine wool blankets and leather accessories. The lighting no doubt is more industrial but overall I think the look is cool, sleek and sexy.

At the same time this same palette is infused into a more contemporary setting with more traditional elements like the heavier ornate mirror frame, tufted ottoman and classic shade on the floor lamp. Although, the non-use of pattern on the bed is more modern, the grey silk button pillow lends that touch of elegance and tradition complimented by the soft pearl white colored silk satin trims. The highlight of this space is undoubtedly the decorative glass panel illuminated from behind. This abstract design brings to life a more contemporary look amongst the traditional features mentioned earlier. This look is definitely one I’d like to see more of! It’s interesting and more importantly it takes originality and talent to execute it successfully.

The second last look I’d like to share is again inspired by the grey /white tone on tone palette which is no doubt one of the top trends for 2011. Check out this stunning clean, sleek sofa in white linen dressed in solid and striped pillows. I love this and take a look at the glass tree trunk coffee tables on wheels. How cool are these?!?!?! Finally the arched cd wall shelves are not just practical but assembled together side by side they become 3dimensional wall art!

Finally, the best for last. Being an Art History Major I fell in love long time ago with the famous sculpture Winged Victory of Samothrace, also called the Nike of Samothrace. In fact I will be attending the Maison & Objet Design Show this coming September 2011 in Paris and that is when I will finally get to visit the original sculpture at the LOUVRE. I’m so EXCITED!! So please stay tuned with my blog to read all about Paris Maison & Objet 2011.

Getting back to this last exhibit and my favorite of all at the 2011 show is this lavish, super luxurious French garden setting incorporating classic renaissance sculpture, iron framed benches, exuberant chandeliers juxtaposed with sleek modern white sectionals. The palette of inspiration of course white and this time accented with green or what I like to call “Fern Green”. This is unmistakably the most irresistible garden for any fine young artist seeking inspiration! J’adore!! J'adore! J'adore!

Well this is it! Stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Fuori Salon downtown Milan's artistic district at the Home SPA and ABITARE exhibits. CAN'T WAIT!! : )
A presto!

Friday, January 20, 2012

2009 -The Milan Furniture Fair (Salone Internazionale del Mobile di Milano)

Hello my fellow blog readers, here I am again.  
Its April 2009 my second year attending Salon del Mobile in Milan Rho. After my incredible experience in 2008, I couldn’t wait to see what was in store at this year’s event. I have to say that for me the thrill of attending this fair was by far stronger than that of a child’s in a candy store. It’s truly such a rush of emotions walking from one display to the next.
At one point while walking through these massive crowds you feel like you’re just this tiny little speck floating amongst thousands of beautiful people, who appear more like Fashionistas strolling by showing off their latest Gucci or Louis Vuitton handbag and matching boots! Honestly, you’d think you were at a Fashion show and not a fair.
In all fairness, Interior design and Fashion are really inspired by one another. The inspirations that we as interior designers seek from textiles, color, form and composition is shared by our fellow fashion designers in turn to create beautiful clothes which ultimately make us look great!!
At this year’s event there is no doubt that these two exciting worlds of beauty are fused together bringing forth chandelier designs that are reminiscent of layered silk chiffon dresses from the 1940’s. ( Image. 2)
Traditional frames lacquered in black and upholstered in white silk used as a canvas to hand drawn cartoon like imagery. How cool would these pieces be in a sleek modern space seeking that traditional ornate piece without the heaviness!?!??!! (Images 3 and 4 )
 Diamonds.....from ear studs to cows? Really who doesn’t love diamonds....even a cow covered in bling can be fun!!!  (Image 5)
Lighting at its simplest and purest form is also very special. Imagine this piece in a spa, hotel or even in your summer home. LOVE IT!!! (Image 6 )
Finally, Italian modern at its best. WHITE WHITE WHITE and more white.  ( Image 7 )
Layering of textiles is the key and if your concept is monochromatic this is the best way to create a dynamic and interesting space. From white opaque glass doors for the wardrobe, leather headboard for the bed with a white lacquered frame, dressed with the softness and summer feel of linen sheets. A silk area rug for that touch of luminosity and softness under your toes. This is pure heaven!
This room was my number one pick at this year’s show 2009 SALON DEL MOBILE!!!
If you have any questions about what I’ve shared above. Please feel free to contact me.

2008- Milan Furniture Fair- Salone Internazionale Del Mobile di Milano

The Milan Furniture Fair (Salone Internazionale Del Mobile di Milano) is a furniture fair held annually in Milan, Italy. It is the largest trade fair of its kind in the world. The show showcases the latest in furniture and design from countries around the world. It’s most definitely a must see event for all designers who want to offer the best to their clients!
April of 2008 was my first attendance to the show. I was so excited to discover what all the hype was for this event. For 4four full days I had the fortune to discover the best that the design world has to offer.
 I didn’t know what to look at first, touch,or sit on.... This grandiose chair was just one of many irresistibly fun and unique pieces!  Not to mention the lighting fixtures that hung magnificently in each and every stand! This particular chandelier seen below was just truly magical, it was no doubt one of my most  favourite pieces from the show.
By the end of the week I was  left with an abundance of inspiration and creativity ready to explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Decorative Mix & Match for your Bathroom!

Glam Combo-
This is a great combination of ceramic wall tiles and floor tiles using colours and patterns that compliment one another beautifully! Do not be intimidated by a decorative mix and match!

Combinazioni glam -Piastrelle da parete in ceramica monoporosa, abbinate al pavimento in grès smaltato in tinta unita 
Ci piace perché un’unica linea presenta decori mix&match molto raffinati.!

About Rosalia

My photo
Specializing in the creation of exclusively personal and stylish interiors tailored specifically to each individual client, Rosalia’s approach has attracted clients of all ages and styles. She has worked as an interior designer and stylist for some of Toronto’s top design studios and was an associate designer for a top-rated show called "Divine Design with Candice Olson" on HGTV US and W Network Canada. During four seasons on the show, she completed more than 120 design projects produced for lifestyle TV. which were also featured in publications such as Home Magazine, Style at Home and in the Canadian national daily newspaper The Globe and Mail. In 2007 Rosalia successfully launched her own interior design company in Toronto. She creatively fused her passion for interior design and experiences from living in Europe for two years, with those of an inspirational architectural appreciation garnered particularly from her time in Italy. Today Rosalia defines her style as classic – yet modern with a touch of Mediterranean style that will add a touch of warmth and timeless elegance to each and every space. See some of these projects at