Friday, February 3, 2012

Orange- Colour Therapy Part 1 of 6

ORANGE- Chromatherapy
Happiness, Confidence, Resourcefulness. Orange brings joy to our workday and strengthens our appetite for life. Orange is the best emotional stimulant. It connects us to our senses and helps remove inhibitions and makes us independent and social. Personality traits: Enthusiastic, Happy, social, energetic, sporty, self-assured and constructive.
The Spleen Chakra is governed by the orange energy.
Ogni colore un effetto speciale:
L'arancione ha secondo la cromoterapia un’azione liberatoria sulle funzioni fisiche e mentali e un grosso effetto di integrazione e di distribuzione dell’energia, inducendo serenità, entusiasmo, allegria, voglia di vivere, ottimismo, positivizzazione dei sentimenti, sinergia fisica e mentale.
L'arancione avrebbe una forte azione stimolante s...ulla ghiandola tiroide e un effetto antispastico verso le contratture e le crampi muscolari). Stimolerebbe il battito cardiaco senza aumentare la pressione del sangue, la capacità di espansione dei polmoni, l'appetito, e ottimizzerebbe l’attività della milza. La cromoterapia lo utilizza per i casi di apatia, depressione, pessimismo, paura, nevrosi, psicosi.

About Rosalia

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Specializing in the creation of exclusively personal and stylish interiors tailored specifically to each individual client, Rosalia’s approach has attracted clients of all ages and styles. She has worked as an interior designer and stylist for some of Toronto’s top design studios and was an associate designer for a top-rated show called "Divine Design with Candice Olson" on HGTV US and W Network Canada. During four seasons on the show, she completed more than 120 design projects produced for lifestyle TV. which were also featured in publications such as Home Magazine, Style at Home and in the Canadian national daily newspaper The Globe and Mail. In 2007 Rosalia successfully launched her own interior design company in Toronto. She creatively fused her passion for interior design and experiences from living in Europe for two years, with those of an inspirational architectural appreciation garnered particularly from her time in Italy. Today Rosalia defines her style as classic – yet modern with a touch of Mediterranean style that will add a touch of warmth and timeless elegance to each and every space. See some of these projects at