Friday, May 31, 2013

Design Ideas for your Bathroom

Start with the Basics- Plan around your lifestyle and Style
Today’s homes almost always contain a couple of bathrooms , perhaps more including a powder room conveniently located near a main traffic area, a bathroom just for the kids or guests and of course the queen of them all the Master ensuite. Many times, it’s also the designer room because of its luxurious design and features. Do you dream of a relaxing soak at the end of the day? Whatever your budget or space there is a tub that is right for your needs and home.  If you prefer to shower there are endless choices from compact prefabricated to spacious spa like standalone showers with steam, jets and waterfall rainheads.  Skylights over a tub or a window in the shower and access to a private garden or patio are some other unique ways to personalize a master ensuite.
Whether you like sleek and contemporary design, warm and traditional, or Victorian with vintage details the choices are endless from sinks, vanities, toilets and fixtures.
You can totally let your inner child come to life when designing a kids bathroom with whimsical faucets, colourful tiles and playful accessories that will make the room cheerful and appealing every time you say it’s “ bath time”.
Finally, powder rooms are the perfect place for drama and glamour by applying unique and special mosaics or decorative wall coverings.
Just remember whatever your style, comfort is the key and once you know what that is your next step is to formulate your ideas and work out the details. Working with a professional interior designer will help you to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing space. Floor plans, renderings, lighting, colour palettes, selection of materials, products and fixtures is what will make the entire experience and project that much easier and successful.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Yellow- Colour Therapy Part 5 of 6

Il giallo viene associato alla parte sinistra del cervello e in genere al lato intellettuale, con effetti di stimolazione e aiuto nello studio. È considerato un colore protettivo e concreto, in aiuto a chi è troppo aperto o troppo creativo, associato alla felicità alla saggezza e alla immaginazione, generatore di buon umore, sia se si indossan...o indumenti di tale colore sia come tinteggiatura per le pareti.
Viene considerato utile per stimolare l'attenzione e l'apprendimento, acuire la mente e la concentrazione, favorire la digestione, eliminare le tossine attraverso il fegato e l'intestino. I cromoterapisti lo considerano invece da evitare in casi di delirio e isteria, gastriti con spasmo della muscolatura , stati febbrili e infiammatori o tutte le malattie in cui una sovraeccitazione dell'organismo e della psiche potrebbe essere dannosa.


The colour yellow is associated with wisdom, clarity and self- esteem.
Yellow gives us clarity of thought, it increases awareness and stimulates interest and curiosity. Yellow energy is related to the ability to perceive and understand. The yellow energy connects us to our mental self.
Personality traits associated to yellow include; Good humoured, optimistic, confident, practical and intellectual.
Yellow and the appropriate tone of yellow is a great choice for many spaces in our homes, most especially children's playrooms or bedroom, den or reading room.

Lastly, for all of you interested in Chakra, the solar Plexus Chakra is governed the yellow energy.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Blue- Colour Therapy Part 4 of 6

Ogni colore un effetto speciale:
Il blu è un colore calmante e rinfrescante. Esso ha un effetto molto tranquillizzante su persone troppo aggressive e impazienti.
Il blu è un colore che calma e modera e che fa dimenticare i problemi di tutti i giorni; per tale ragione le pareti tinteggiate di blu tranquillizzano.
La cromoterapia utilizza il blu per curare stress, nervosismo, ansia,... insonnia, irritabilità e infiammazione e lo considera dotato di antisettiche, astringenti e anestetizzanti. Il blu viene pertanto consigliato per tutti i sintomi che sviluppano calore e nei dolori: mal di gola, laringite, raucedine, febbre, spasmi, reumatismi. In particolare, il celeste è utilizzato per il sollievo agli occhi, l'indaco per la purificazione del sangue, per indurra conventrazione mentale e in casi di cataratta. Viene invece controindicato in casi di depressione o in malattie legate al rilassamento delle funzioni dell'organismo, quali bradicardia e ipotensione.
Blue is associated to Knowledge , Health and Decisiveness.
This is a mentally, relaxing colour. Blue has a pacifying effect on the nervous system and brings great relaxation. The colour Blue connects to our holistic thought and gives us wisdom and clarity enhancing communication and speech. Keeping these benefits in mind, Blue is a good choice for several spaces including a bedroom for those who have sleeping problems and a study or playroom for children who are hyper-active.
The throat Chakra is governed by the Blue energy.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Red- Colour Therapy - Part 3 of 6

Ogni colore un effetto speciale:
Questo colore viene associato alla forza, alla salute e alla vitalità e rappresenta il fuoco, la gioia, la festa, l'eccitazione sessuale, il sangue e le passioni violente. Il rosso, è in grado di accelerare il polso, aumentare la pressione arteriosa e la frequenza respiratoria. È infatti fortemente sconsigliato come tinteggiatura di pareti. Il r...osso renderebbe loquaci, aperti, premurosi, passionali.
La cromoterapia usa il rosso nelle ustioni e nelle malattie esantematiche, in quanto generatore di ischemia cutanea, mentre lo sconsiglia nei casi di tumore e per malattie come infiammazione, iperemotività, ipertensione, in quanto lo associa con la circolazione sanguigna e con lo sviluppo cellulare. Inoltre questo colore sarebbe utile nei casi di melanconia e depressione, nelle malattie da raffreddamento, nel mal di gola, nella tosse cronica e nell'asma, nel trattamento delle paralisi parziali e totali, o nella cura dell'impotenza maschile.
Red, in its most positive sense, is the colour for courage, strength and pioneering spirit. However, in the most negative aspect, it is the colour of anger, violence and brutality and, interestingly, before world war two it was noted that a lot of red was being worn.
Using colours well in the home is a way of creating a balanced environment. Red is energising and excites the emotions, and can stimulate the appetite.(Often used in restaurants). It can be used in any activity area but red needs careful choice of tone and depth and the space in which it is to be used as it can make a space look smaller and can be claustrophobic or oppressive. However, used well, red and its variations, can make a space feel warm and cosy.

RED relates to the BASE chakra situated at the base of the spine.
On the psycho-spiritual level, this chakra relates to self awareness. That is to say our awareness of ourselves as human beings and our place on earth. It is the area of survival and relates to our basic human instincts of fight or flight. Red gives us courage and strength. The colour relates to stability and security.

Friday, February 10, 2012


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Party photos of the week: Masala Momma - Thank you HUCY!

Green - Colour Therapy Part 2 of 6

Ogni colore ha un effetto speciale:

Il verde, colore fondamentale della natura, è il colore dell'armonia: simboleggia la speranza, la pace e il rinnovamento. È un colore neutro, rilassante, favorisce la riflessione e la calma.
In cromoterapia viene usato per sostenere il sistema nervoso, e aiutare il cuore con effetti calmanti e armonizzanti, in caso di mal di testa, nelle nevralgie e nelle febbri. È usato in tutte le proliferazioni anomale a livello cutaneo: verruche, nei, tumori, e come cura per la calvizie, mentre viene sconsigliato in caso di depressione o astenia.

Balance Love & Self- control
Green helps relax muscles, nerves and thoughts. It cleanses and balances our energy, to give a feeling of renewal, peace and harmony. Green connects us to unconditional love and is used for balancing our whole being.
The heart chakra is governed by the green energy.

About Rosalia

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Specializing in the creation of exclusively personal and stylish interiors tailored specifically to each individual client, Rosalia’s approach has attracted clients of all ages and styles. She has worked as an interior designer and stylist for some of Toronto’s top design studios and was an associate designer for a top-rated show called "Divine Design with Candice Olson" on HGTV US and W Network Canada. During four seasons on the show, she completed more than 120 design projects produced for lifestyle TV. which were also featured in publications such as Home Magazine, Style at Home and in the Canadian national daily newspaper The Globe and Mail. In 2007 Rosalia successfully launched her own interior design company in Toronto. She creatively fused her passion for interior design and experiences from living in Europe for two years, with those of an inspirational architectural appreciation garnered particularly from her time in Italy. Today Rosalia defines her style as classic – yet modern with a touch of Mediterranean style that will add a touch of warmth and timeless elegance to each and every space. See some of these projects at